This is a poem for you Uncle Tony, RIP
Uncle Tony, A wonderful man
I always made sure I went to see Uncle Tony, every time I was back in Cov,
He was one of my favourite uncles, and who I was very fond of.
I enjoyed our chats about football, and about life,
I welcomed his ideas, and listened to his advice.
He definitely was one of the good ones,
Enjoying his football, lawn bowling and garden.
Uncle Tony always had a great sense of humour,
Well, he had to. I mean, he supported Leicester City, and Nuneaton Borough !!
There were plenty of football gibes, dished out between us,
But all of them were without malice, and always done in fun.
Uncle Tony was always willing to help, even at the drop of a hat,
Because he was a very kind hearted person, he would often do unselfish things like that.
My Mum and I will always appreciate the generous and thoughtful things, he gladly did for her,
Nothing was ever too much trouble, and they were always done with a friendly gesture.
Uncle Tony was a thoughtful, caring and honest man, who was dearly loved,
Someone who, his brothers, sisters, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren can be very, very proud of.
The world has lost a wonderful man, who had a generous heart, so big,
We all could learn from his kind ways, and from today, start to share our love from within.
Farewell Uncle Tony, he was like no other,
So for him, out of love and respect, I'll shout loudly, "Up the Borough !!"
Love from Lee
24th -26th November 2021
16th December 2021
r.i.p tony not seen you for a very long time remember when you took us to a car boot sale it was soo cold marge ended up at hospital and they wrapped her in baco foil to get her warm soo sorry to all his famil anne xx
11th December 2021
Dad we will always love you , we had some wonderful times together and lots of laughs .
You were a brilliant Dad with guidance and lots of love .Always in our hearts, goodnight and god bless you .
Love you Dad
Bridget and Ian ❤️❤️
11th December 2021